Bill Kelliher and Julianne Gee Kelliher

They have 2 children, Conan and Harrison.

Bill Kelliher is a 52 year old American Musician. Born on 23rd March, 1971 in Victor, NY, he is famous for Mastodon. His zodiac sign is Aries.

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Julianne Gee Kelliher has been the anchor in Bill’s life for over two decades, and is the mother to his two sons, Harrison and Conan. She is a high-powered career woman who works for the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta as a vaccine specialist (Heard of that HPV vaccine that’s been in the news a lot lately? Bill’s wife was one of the people who approved it for market). In fact, if it weren’t for Bill’s wife, Mastodon may have never formed - it was her getting a job at the CDC in 1999 that led Bill and Brann to move from Rochester to Atlanta, and the rest is history.
